A little bit more about me, I read. A lot — The paper. Magazines. Books. & Blogs. {lots of blogs.} I have a regular blog roll that I try and make time to peruse each week – and truthfully, there is SO much information out there, reading and learning could very well be a full time gig. I rarely get to all my fave reads in a week, and more times than not, I start on one blog and once I start clicking through – more time thank I could have imagines I might find myself in a new world. The Interweb – it will suck time better than a Dyson sucks dirt & lent. {now you know why no one asked for my opinion of the perfect tag line for the internet…}

One of my ongoing, everlasting resolutions, is the “Betterment of DK” as I like to call it… A continuing education to make me the very best person, consultant, friend & example I can be — I have plenty of room for growth, like I said ongoing… Not too long ago I swept across this article that lists the 12 things happy people do differently.

  1. Express Gratitude
  2. Cultivate Optimism
  3. Avoid over-thinking & social comparison
  4. Practice acts of kindness
  5. Nurture social relationships
  6. Develop strategies for coping
  7. Learn to forgive
  8. Increase flow experiences
  9. Savor life’s joys
  10. Commit to your goals
  11. Practice spirituality
  12. Take care of your body

All twelve are simple, logical tweaks we can make to our everydays. For me, I will admit #2, the over-thinking, k-i-l-l-e-r {y’all just met me & it didn’t take long to admit my biggest problem…}. But I am working on it.

Just think about what a different place the world would be if we forgave more, said thank you and took a second to really savor the smell of gardenias?! I know, I sound like a commercial for rainbows, leprechauns and good always outweighing evil, but if we drop the cynical for a sec, it is important for each of us to take a quick look in the mirror and evaluate these uncomplicated ways to make our work and personal lives happier, better.

xo, dk