You get what you have always gotten.

I am not a fan of change.  But then again, who is?!?  As I have been working on this Monday morning, reviewing January numbers with clients, I can’t stop thinking about what it is that holds us all back from positive change and how we could all use some coaching on embracing it – in both our personal and professional lives.

And then, in between calls (after I first started writing this post), I stumble upon this pin on Pinterest (my new obsession):

Uh, NO.

So, I have decided to dedicate this week to ditch the excuses and try to change my rather uniformed life up a bit.  It’s the change of seasons, afterall…and I do need to some Spring cleaning.  Here’s my plan:

1.  Change up the daily routine.  We all have our routines.  We like it that way.  But maybe, by changing up the slightest thing will open up a new opportunity.  Now,  I will not be drinking coffee in the afternoon, but maybe taking a different route on my daily walk with handsome Samson (who, believe it or not, is great with change).

2.  Try something NEW!  Might be a new restaurant (I do love food).  Might be cold calling (makes my stomach hurt at the very thought of it, but I can do it).  Go bungee jumping (I’m afraid of heights).  Be spontaneous.

3.  Volunteer.  Spending time doing something for others always opens up the flood gates of opportunities.  Whether it be walking the stray dogs at the local shelter, or being a shoulder to cry on for your friend who is going through a hard time…it always feels good to volunteer your time with no expectations of anything in return.  “Pay it Forward” anyone?!?!

4.  Have an awkward conversation.  We all have those lurking in the back of our minds and just don’t go there b/c all we can think about is, what is going to happen if I throw this out there?  Well, I can assure you this…no matter how awkward you think the conversation you have going on in your head is going to be, it will be more awkward if you don’t do it now.  And, you will feel 110% better regardless of how the conversation ends b/c you don’t have to sit with it in your head anymore.  DO IT!

5.  Focus on the things you can control.  My most favorite saying…yet it is the hardest thing to do sometimes!  The weather isn’t going to change your life & make dreams come true.  Time to get in the drivers seat and take the wheel.

Treat yourself to a mani/pedi in the middle of your work day, buy fresh flowers for your coffee table, visit an old folks home, sign up for Pilates (that’s on my list), smile more, hug your best friend, tell your employees you have expectations and that they are being held accountable, take a day off, work smarter NOT harder.

Happy Monday.  Hope the week is a fabulous one!