Happy Monday, good people. Today marks the start of Marketing Mondays – over the next few weeks I will be sharing some basic and creative ideas for marketing your store. It doesn’t matter if you are selling ladies apparel, running shoes or guns & ammo, I will share some marketing tips to get your loyal customers in your store and regularly buying!
We’ll go through the Who, What, When, Where, Why & How. We’ll talk about how very important an annual marketing calendar is – incorporating parties, social media & charities as well as the personality of your store. We’ll talk about an advertising budget and we’ll talk about how to get it all done!
Do you know that 20% of your customer base is responsible for 80% of your sales?! Crazy, I realize, but true. 20% of loyal customers are the ones doing the most for your business. What are you doing for them? Can you identify that 20%? Do you know them? As a start, you should be their ‘friends‘, follow them on Pinterest, and tweet with them back and forth.
Take a second and think about what you might want to hear. What do you think you are missing in your store? Do you run out of topics to blog about? Is it enough to just post new items that have landed? How often do you need to post everyday? Comment with your questions and we will make sure to include them as the weeks go on!