I didn’t have a real stake in the winner of this game. I think Tom Brady is stop-the-traffic attractive, but that is no reason to root for New England. I have friends that are close friends from growing up with the Mannings, but that is no reason to root for the Giants. Luv ya blue.. It is so hard still holding onto love for the Oilers but I digress.

It was a super fun game to watch & that is what it is all about. I watched, but let’s be honest, I watch for the commercials & halftime. How awesome was halftime?! Madge. She is a machine. LMFAO & Cee-Lo were great additions to the 12 minute show.

Did you have a favorite commerical? My favorites were Best Buy, Ferris Bueller & the chevy commercial with the twinkies. Love that Best Buy put a face with an invention. And even better was the words with friends guys on an airplane. Awesome! The Ferris Bueller commercial with Matthew Broderick. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of my all time favorite movies! I loved everything about that movie. There are days, I might still wish I was as cool as Ferris’s girlfriend, Sloane. She was cool, fashionable and fearless. Their day always seemed like such a fun, unforgettable extravaganza! And Twinkies & Chevy surviving the apocalypse – superb. I do believe that Twinkies will be here long after the rest of us go.