Let me be the first to welcome you to the wonderful world of The Project : Retail.  (Co-founded by Margo Kopman & John Adams)

Let me also introduce myself…

Margo is my name.  A self-diagnosed retail junkie & ambitious multi-tasker, is my game.    I am the mom to Samson (the ever-so-handsome Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy mill dog that was a “failed foster” you will often hear about), and beach lover.  I giggle often, obsess over cooking, tell it how it is, and am extremely loyal.

My journey in becoming a retail guru (Bam.  I said it.) started at a very young age.  With a family of mostly women (and working, at that), many Saturdays were spent perusing the local Marshall’s or Sym’s after a two hour breakfast at the local grocery store restaurant.  I would not only play dress up, but put together mental pictures of how I would “improve” the merchandising, dress the mannequins in my head, and assess the friendliness of the staff.  My Dad was in the biz, as a manufactures rep, but dipped his toes in the retail water for a moment when I was 5 (water was too cold for him!).  Family bonding in my family was all about shopping…we were not taking trips to the Grand Canyon.

I’ve owned a successful retail store, bought fabulous clothes, thrown great events.  I’ve been a “sales person”, mopped floors, dealt with nasty customers, overbought fabulous clothes…the list could go on and on and on…if you’re a retailer, I’ve been in your shoes. I know how you feel.

If your a consultant, I’ve also been in yours.  Currently that is where I reside and plan to stay for a long while.  I have been hung up on, talked too much in a meeting, second guessed myself…I have also been welcomed in to the world of wonderful people, who count on me monthly (sometimes daily) to be their confidant, voice of reason, business analyst, and light at the end of the tunnel.  It is an amazing feeling to be a part of a successful business and be able to make a difference.  I thank all of my clients who believe in me and what I do and look forward to the many years ahead.

The Project : Retail is a company that is designed to not only help retailers be the best they can be, but also a company where other consultants, who share the same desire and passion for helping the independent retailers of the world (afterall; they are what makes the world go round), come to grow their businesses.   Collectively, as a team of five affiliates, we have close to 50 clients across the country (both growing right as we speak!!!)

My dream to build a retail empire is happening, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to be working with amazing clients, consultants, buyers, and merchandisers.  I never knew the possibilities.

I welcome you to the wonderful world of The Project : Retail – I hope you enjoy the ride!

Happy Retailing,


*The Project : Retail is a proud affiliate of Management One®