One Little Lesson

I learned a lot (like more than you could ever put in 10 million blogs)  from working with my consultant but the one example that I give over and over to prospective clients or really anyone who wants to talk about retail (it’s a sickness 🙂  is what I call my lesson...

C’mon, C’mon Get Happy!

A little bit more about me, I read. A lot — The paper. Magazines. Books. & Blogs. {lots of blogs.} I have a regular blog roll that I try and make time to peruse each week – and truthfully, there is SO much information out there, reading and learning...

Winter Wishes

I wandered past these windows and smiled. It caught my eye immediately, mostly the smooth way they are easing out of the holidays and heading towards Valentine’s — it was just enough red, just enough art, and just enough hope in the sentiment. And the...

Welcome to The Project : Retail

Let me be the first to welcome you to the wonderful world of The Project : Retail.  (Co-founded by Margo Kopman & John Adams) Let me also introduce myself… Margo is my name.  A self-diagnosed retail junkie & ambitious multi-tasker, is my game.    I am...

everywhere, a little bit of fashion

Fashion is everywhere. It is in clothes, in buildings, in furniture, in appliances, in images,  and throughout stores. Fashion manages to encompass all five senses – it is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes, attractive to the touch,  we like to hear about what...

Welcome 2012!!

Welcome 2012!! Wow …. This year has started out with a BANG for me … I sold the retail business I started 8 years ago, moved across country and am getting ready to focus full time on helping other small retailers flourish and grow. I know, I know … that is a GIANT...