The LOVE cups – such a happy, lovey way to drink a morning coffee throughout February! Their cup magic app is a fun mindless extra, too ~ send Valentine’s or just watch the magic of your interactive cup!...

Where oh where did the customer service go ???

Where oh where did Customer Service go ….. Moving is not the most pleasant of experiences for lots of reasons …   it’s stressful ….  Packing and unpacking are probably the two worst tasks on the planet …   and then there is the changing of all your addresses and...


I had a completely different idea last night about what I would write here this morning, but then I decided to go in another direction.  So this is a little bit of an extension on CHANGE that Margo wrote about the other day.  My idea of change is learning, practicing,...

You do what you have always done…

You get what you have always gotten. I am not a fan of change.  But then again, who is?!?  As I have been working on this Monday morning, reviewing January numbers with clients, I can’t stop thinking about what it is that holds us all back from positive change...

Superbowl Hangover?

I didn’t have a real stake in the winner of this game. I think Tom Brady is stop-the-traffic attractive, but that is no reason to root for New England. I have friends that are close friends from growing up with the Mannings, but that is no reason to root for the...

I Love New York

I LOVE NEW YORK I just got back from 5 days in New York and oh how I love that city!!   I love that you can get literally anything you want to eat at any time of the day and that 90% of that can be delivered … I love that you can walk most places, and I love the...